Upper Thames River Conservation Authority chooses Questica to forecast operational, personnel budgets

Created in 1947, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) serves as one of 36 Conservation Authorities throughout Ontario, Canada. Responsible for the 1951 construction of the Fanshawe Dam, and the Wildwood and Pittock Dams, the UTRCA watershed covers over 3,400 sq. kilometres. They work hard to support safe development, to protect people and property, and provide natural and recreational spaces in ways that empower community members.

Their current financial system saw each department handle budgets independently; once completed, details were provided to the supervisor of finance and accounting for integration into a single, master spreadsheet.

To better serve nearly 540,000 watershed residents across 13 municipalities and achieve greater budget efficiency, the UTRCA sought a budgeting tool that offered operation and personnel cost forecasting. In Questica Budget, UTRCA found a budgeting partner capable of metrics reporting through charts, graphs, dashboards, and data visualization methods that made community and board reporting easier.

After implementation, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority can streamline all aspects of budget forecasting, data reporting, and workflow organization.

Questica has focused on providing budgeting and forecasting software exclusively to the public sector for nearly 25 years. Questica is a full-service partner, where in-house staff are responsible for software development, implementation, training, and post-implementation customer care.

Questica’s public service customers include the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Laguna Madre Water District, and StopWaste, a public agency in Oakland, California.

Questica’s Operating, Personnel, Performance, Capital, and OpenBook modules will help the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, and their 200 employees, better manage $16,000,000 in annual operating costs.

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