Expedite Your Public
Invoice-to-Payment Process.
Make the collection, processes, and reconciliation of invoices easier for everyone. Euna Invoicing—part of Euna Procurement—delivers key automation for a more streamlined, reliable, and compliant process.

Processed Annually
Invoices Processed
Solving Some of Your Greatest Invoicing Issues...
Tedious data entry
Clerical mistakes & errors
Manual PO creation
Weak security protocols
Manual reconciliation
Missing PO or delivery receipt
Invoice fraud
Limited visibility into process
Process All Your Invoices in One Location

Ensure Compliance
Promote transparency in all aspects of the invoicing process, including documenting key interactions and staff involvement.

Streamline Processes
The automation of invoice data entry frees staff to focus on more strategic tasks without sacrificing accuracy or compliance.

Catch Errors
Powerful 2- and 3- way matching ensures the validity of each invoice and helps protect against fraud or inaccurate invoices.
Euna Invoicing
From the receiving invoices to routing for payment, Euna Invoicing makes it easy for procurement to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders throughout the public invoicing process.
Customize Invoice Exception Rules to Your Unique Specifications
Create an unlimited number of automated rules that automatically accept or reject invoices or direct them to the appropriate person for manual review.
- Base rules on a variety of invoice factors.
- Flag the invoices according to your procurement rules and best practices.
- Automate the handling of discrepancies found in the reconciliation process.

Adopt a Flexible Way to Receive Invoices from Suppliers
Designed to work with all suppliers—big and small. Invoices can be received via cXML or through email based on the suppliers capabilities.
- Connect a receiving email address of your choice to simplify communications.
- Achieve PO Automation when pairing with Euna Marketplace.

Automate the Rekeying of Invoices with the Power of OCR
All invoices are instantly generated without the need to manually receive & enter each invoice. Staff can quickly review & verify the new scanned invoices.
- Conduct side-by-side comparisons to reduce errors.
- Easily generate PDF versions.

Instantly Validate & Reconcile the Transaction
Critical data is instantly checked, matched, and validated. If any discrepancies are found, invoices will be automatically flagged and routed for review.
- Configure automated rules to route invoices.
- Enable 2 or 3-way matching to maintain consistency and accuracy.
- Integrate data with your ERP, aligning all your systems for maximum efficiency.

Route for Payment
Confidently mark a transaction as “ok-to-pay” once it has been scanned, reviewed, and approved, ensuring accuracy every step of the way.
- Track all changes and comments for complete transparency.
- Easily review all invoices that have been sent.

See Euna Procurement in Action.
Designed to Work for All Suppliers - Big and Small
We work directly with your suppliers, no matter their size or technological sophistication, to enable them to send invoices electronically.
- Support big box retailers’ advanced needs with cXML integration
- Support smaller suppliers with simplicity of emailing of invoices

Make Compliance and Transparency the Standard
Invoice automation will provide your organization with complete transparency into all aspects of the invoicing process.
- View which suppliers submitted invoices
- View which employees participated in the approval and payment process

The Full-Cycle Euna Procurement Suite purpose-built for public sector
From finding, vetting, and establishing contracts with suppliers to purchasing and reconciling invoices off those contracts—and everything in-between, Euna Procurement provides the efficiencies, compliance, and transparency that public procurement teams need.
Euna Sourcing is your one-stop shop for all solicitations—whether they’re simple price-only bids or complicated, multi-faceted RFPs.
Euna Contracting enables you to stay on top of your active agreements and proactively assess supplier performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
Ensure compliant spend by providing staff with a centralized shopping marketplace filled with approved suppliers and pre-negotiated pricing.
Streamline the receiving, transcription, and reconciliation of invoices, making the entire process more efficient and secure.

Trusted by 3000+ Government and Public Sector Agencies
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