Stronger Together: Accessing Grant Opportunities Through Regional Partnerships


While plenty of national funding remains available to cash-strapped communities, finding the bandwidth to pursue and manage complex grants and their reporting requirements still presents a major challenge.

As a result, innovative local leaders are finding new ways to bridge the gap by working together across jurisdictions, identifying opportunities that benefit their collective community while mirroring the regional focus of many federal programs.

Our hosts Abhi Nemani and Anna Valdez hosted part one of our three-part live webinar series, where they explored how developing a collaborative, cross-jurisdictional strategic grants plan could streamline the grants management process and increase overall funding.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to bring together municipal leaders to establish a shared regional vision
  • The best ways to identify and apply for high-impact grants as a collective
  • How integrating grants management and financial reporting can improve compliance and help ensure a positive outcome

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