- Used eCivis’ grant management software to speedily deliver critical community development and disaster relief funding throughout the state.
- Streamlined the management and distribution of $811.7 million in COVID-19 and community development funding.
- Accelerated the distribution of Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG and CDBG-DR) funding across the state.
- Manage 7 programs and over 100 subawards.
The Challenge
Jessica Hayes, Federal Specialist and our fearless heroine at HCD, needed to quickly deliver community development and disaster relief funding throughout the entire state of California. Compounding this enormous task were challenges with the state’s financial information, which sat in disparate silos, making it especially difficult to ensure accurate and timely reporting.
The Solution
Hayes and HCD turned to eCivis’ robust grantor management solution that also integrated with the state’s financial system and HUD’s federal reporting system. Through the new system, Hayes can reduce the risk of human-prone error while achieving super-human outcomes for grants and loans (both from states and federal housing programs). Now, she and the heroes of HCD seamlessly manage 12 grant programs and over 100 subawards.
The Results
Ultimately, Hayes and her fellow heroes at HCD can quickly manage and deliver over $811.7 million in critical funding throughout the state, particularly to prevent and respond to coronavirus among homeless populations.
“The economic impact of COVID-19 has had huge implications for California residents, causing many to worry about making their rent or mortgage payments or facing the real possibility of homelessness. California is fortunate to receive the most federal grants of any state, and the programs provide significant benefits to our citizens. Yet, manually keeping up with demand proved to be nearly impossible. eCivis helped identify and implement a solution that allows us to maximize benefits to our community, while assisting those who need it most, much faster.” – Jessica Hayes, Federal Programs Specialist