Ferndale Public Schools to improve financial process through Questica Budget

In southeast Michigan, Ferndale Public Schools provides exceptional education to prepare students for success from early ages. Between an early childcare center, two elementary schools, a middle school, two high schools, and one alternative/adult education program, Ferndale Public Schools educates over 3,000 students each year.

To better support a district that spans Oak Park, Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, and Charter Township of Royal Oak, Ferndale Public Schools looked to align their $40.6 million budget behind a centralized system.

In partnering with Questica Budget, Ferndale Public Schools aims to elevate an already-successful, county-approved financial system — in ways that more fully support the school system. They will look to leverage position budget functions, and better manage 420+ employees through the Questica Personnel module.

After implementation, Ferndale Public Schools can streamline many aspects of their data reporting, budget collaboration, personnel planning, and workflow organization into a single platform.

Questica has focused on providing budgeting and forecasting software exclusively to the public sector for nearly 25 years. Questica is a full-service partner, where in-house staff are responsible for software development, implementation, training, and post-implementation customer care. Customers include Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools, Horizon School Division, and Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools.

Questica’s Operating and Personnel modules will allow Ferndale Public Schools to save time, money, and energy while improving the accuracy and efficiency of their K-12 budget development and maintenance.

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