Rethinking Budgeting: Aligning Budget and Strategy


State and local governments have long relied on last year’s budget to make the next budget—with historical precedent being the main determinant of how much is allocated to each line item. While the simplicity of this approach has its advantages, it focuses on the past rather than the future. It fails to consider the dynamic nature of economies and citizen needs, making governments slow to adapt to change. 

In this virtual discussion, we will dive into the key elements of using a modern, forward-thinking approach to budgeting that incorporates citizen engagement, strategic planning and technology. In this webinar hosted by ICMA, join Jeff Goldstein, Senior Director of Business Product Management for Euna Budget; Elizabeth Steward, VP Marketing & Research for Envisio; and Michelle Kobayashi, Principal Research Strategist for Polco to learn more about rethinking your budget.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The limitations of traditional budgeting methods and how a more forward-thinking approach addresses challenges
  • How you can integrate citizen engagement and strategic planning to become more adaptable and proactive in your budget creation and management
  • How to embrace modernization through technology and see real-world examples of this approach in action
  • Ways rethinking your budgeting process can not only support changing citizen needs, but also the needs of your staff and organization


Jeff Goldstein
Sr. Director of Business Product Management, Euna Solutions

Elizabeth Steward
VP Marketing & Research, Envisio

Michelle Koabayashi
Principal Research Strategist, Polco

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