As we mentioned in a previous blog, What is a Procurement Marketplace, a procurement marketplace serves as the front door…
Make on-contract spend and adoption convenient and simple for everyone. Euna Marketplace, part of Euna Procurement, provides a centralized location for staff to easily shop approved contracts in a way that is familiar & easy to use.
"*" indicates required fields
Saved With Cart Optimization
Transactions Annually
Lack of spend analytics
Purchased off expired contract
Manual PO Creation
Poor stakeholder adoption
Weak compliance controls
Can’t find list of approved contracts
Minimal effort comparison shopping
Limited visibility into process
Powerful compliance checkers are constantly scanning and auditing spend against contracts, contract expiration dates, and non-compliant pricing—with real time alerts to help you prevent compliance errors before they happen.
Real-time dashboards & reports provide detailed insights into what your users are buying, who they are buying from, and how much money they are saving.
By mirroring the simplicity and convenience of leading e-commerce platforms, Euna Marketplace delivers a seamless and familiar shopping experience that your users will love.
From ensuring that staff purchase on-contract to helping them save more, Euna Marketplace provides a centralized location for staff to easily shop approved contracts in a way that is familiar & easy to use.
Customize your Marketplace to Your Unique Needs & Processes
Be certain that your marketplace is tailored to what your organization needs with extensive customization options, including specific approval workflows, integration with existing systems, and personalized catalog management.
Shop all Your Approved Contracts in With One Global Search
Provide staff with a self-service marketplace that enables them to shop for the goods and services they need.
Identify Savings in Real-Time With the Power of AI
Optimize carts and maximize savings with an AI-powered savings advisor that scans the marketplace to unearth cost-saving options on comparable items.
Request Customized Quotes From Multiple Vendors
Easily request quotes from multiple vendors at once to ensure the are receiving the best value pricing, if needed for the particular service or good.
Instantly Create, Process, and Approve Requisitions
Automatically convert shopping carts to requisitions and route for approval, and then easily transfer directly to procurement for review & checkout.
Simplify the Checkout Process
Enjoy a single checkout process, whether you have a shopping cart with one item in it, or a cart full of items across various suppliers.
See Euna Procurement in Action.
Make on-contract spend effortless and complaint, with tailoring to your specific rules, processes, workflows, and guardrails for utmost confidence.
Access an interactive series of dashboards representing your consolidated spend data to uncover spend patterns and outliers.
All your suppliers – big and small – are in one place, with access to a free and easy to use storefront that is fully integrated with the marketplace – both leveling the playing field and streamlining your shopping experience.
Enjoy a smooth experience, for you and your tech team, with Euna creating the singular connection, rather than multiple, that syncs data across all connection points.
From finding, vetting, and establishing contracts with suppliers to purchasing and reconciling invoices off those contracts—and everything in-between, Euna Procurement provides the efficiencies, compliance, and transparency that public procurement teams need.
Euna Sourcing is your one-stop shop for all solicitations—whether they’re simple price-only bids or complicated, multi-faceted RFPs.
Euna Contracting enables you to stay on top of your active agreements and proactively assess supplier performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
Ensure compliant spend by providing staff with a centralized shopping marketplace filled with approved suppliers and pre-negotiated pricing.
Streamline the receiving, transcription, and reconciliation of invoices, making the entire process more efficient and secure.
As we mentioned in a previous blog, What is a Procurement Marketplace, a procurement marketplace serves as the front door…