Euna Solutions Permits Logo White

Take the Pain Out of Permitting.

Eliminate confusion and frustration on both sides of the permitting desk with Euna Permits, powered by OpenCounter.



The Euna Difference

Higher Resident Satisfaction

Help Applicants Help Themselves

Empower applicants to learn where their project can take place, which permits they need, and how much they cost—all without engaging city staff.
Custom-built Discovery Portal

Save Staff From a Sea of Questions

Predict and answer all resident questions with a custom-designed portal that’s set up, maintained, and continuously updated by our experienced permitting professionals.
Automated End-to-end Solution

Simplify Workflows and Save Staff Time

Automate end-to-end permitting for special events—from helping each applicant understand key requirements to guiding them through every step of the process until their permit is in hand.


Building Trust, Transparency, and Community in Agencies Across North America


Open the Door to Permitting Peace of Mind

Our team of seasoned permitting professionals has decades of experience working in and managing permitting offices. They’ve been building stand-out permit guidance tools since 2013.
OpenCounter, a Euna Solutions Brand
OpenCounter frees applicants to skip the line and the headaches by helping them answer pre-application questions without calls, emails, or visits to City Hall.
Provide a Proactive Portal
Give entrepreneurs an easy way to untangle your city’s municipal codes and gain a clear understanding of the costs and requirements of starting a business.
Let homeowners find the permits they need for their latest project in just a few taps. Arm them with the info they need to have an informed discussion at City Hall.
Provide an easy path for event producers to secure the right permits and enjoy a seamless approval process across City Hall.
Let applicants see where their project is permitted in seconds, resulting in far fewer calls, emails, and in-person inquiries for your team to manage.

Permitting Resources Picked Just for You

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Learn how an optimized permitting process can help you achieve operational efficiency, economic growth, and happier citizens.

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